Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Holidays!

After a few weeks of studying character development, students in my classes were ready to ace the Chapter 2 mastery assessment today. Over the three week holiday, they should be reading, reading, and reading some more. When we return from winter break, they should have finished (at least) one book and be ready to analyze a character from that story. We're going to do a fun project!
I have collected the Chapter 2 packets and we will revisit them when we return in 2013, just to make sure everyone is on the same page with the grammar pages.

If you're feeling generous, please consider donating to my latest DonosChoose classroom project:


Wishing you all a warm and wonderous holiday!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What Happened To November?!?!

Well, it certainly went by in a bllluuuuurrrrrr! And here we are in December. We have turned in the 4 Types of Writing Packets and moved into Chapter 2: Character Analysis... My favorite!

A series of unfortunate events befell me this week, so I missed the entire week of school! I'll be up and running again on Monday, I promise. We have lots of catching up to do!!

Here are some recent photos to keep your spirits up: