Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

I am absolutely thrilled about the changes I made to my classroom this summer. I admit, I am a bit of a Pinterest addict. It is full of great ideas. But what use are ideas if you never put them into action? I spent some time during the summer collecting ideas and then making them happen. For example, I found these great nursery bookshelves, and thought, "Those would be perfect in my classroom!"
Boring white is NEVER my style, so, of course I had to HEARTT it up. It was my first time ever using a skill saw, so don't look too closely at the edges. I did these all by myself and I'm positively giddy with the results:

My classroom library is ready for action!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome to my NEW and Improved Website!

Welcome to your most awesome year of Language Arts!